Sunday 15 June 2014

Krem Kotsati the Beauty of Caves, Meghalaya

Since the beauty of Meghalaya is renowned for its natural splendour and its caves through which it shows its tourism potential and perhaps its prosperity and symphonies relates a prime reason for tourist to be around here.

Serenity within the caves and the hill side location where you are sure to feel the obsession towards its splendid formation of stalactites and stalagmites speaks the gradual process of time. Through this article today we are going to talk about one of the speculative caves of Meghalaya which is famous as Krem Kotsati.

Metamorphosis of Krem Kotsati which is located within the womb of the mesmerising Meghalaya can be considered as one of the most frequented as compare to other caves of the state. The stunning limestone formation that depicts the glory of time actually relates the pride of Meghalaya.

Though the formation needs an artistic eye to catch the importance of it and the caves here have formed itself to personify the splendour of nature and if you will picture it with true concentration than you are sure to see the amazing colours and structure of it.

Striving patterns over the walls and exquisite configuration of the limestone is a share opulence of the cave and here within the floor of Krem Kotsati you have eight entrances from which you can pick one to enter the site of the cave.

While you enter the caves make sure to hire guide to know more about the essentials of the caves because Krem Kotsati is more than just an ordinary caves and one would require having share knowledge to understand the formation and importance of it.

Since we were talking about its different entrance the most adventurous one to walk in would be via plunges of water and one would require to be fully equipped while walking through the abstruse pool of water because the long stretches of the cave is really sounding and is expected to meet the desire of the true cavers.

Swimming across the burst of water to enter the floor of the Krem Kotsati sounds really adventurous and if you don’t have idea regarding swimming than how about utilising the rubber boat which could be another experience in itself to enjoy the whole mark of journey.

All in all Krem Kotsati is the cave where all the active cavers of the world would want to be so make sure you are also amongst those active cavers to see the natural ambiance of the cave because the surroundings of it really worth your visit.

Best Time to Visit
If you talk about the weather aspects than the hilly laden of Meghalaya is covered with dense beauty of the cloud and even summer is expected to wrong here so in such a condition expect winter to be more friendly and appropriate while planning your way here within the floor of the Krem Kotsati of Meghalaya.

How to Reach
By train-the nearest railway station to Meghalaya is Guwahati railway station Assam.
By air-the nearest airport is Guwahati international airport Assam and once you will end here makes sure to hire cab to reach here.

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